Aillagon, Mitterrand and Versailles ... "Calm down"
Extracts tasty interview with Ben in the latest contemporary art, Ben, who exhibits at this time in the Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon: AA
- Are you still agree that museums are useless ? Monday, April 26, 2010
Samsung Scx-4x16 Sterowniki
- At this point really?
Ben - (smiling): Well, oppressed by the importance of place and the very notion of a museum. I wonder if I am as important or not to enter. I think that visitors to a certain point of view are forced to recognize the value of the artists featured in major exhibitions. They are at the Museum, with a capital. So all this makes me want to say shit to museums.
Interview pa Harry Kampianne
Full interview to read CURRENT ART No. 67 March-April 2010
: Expo "Striptease full of Ben at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) of Lyon until July 11, 2010
- At this point really?
Ben - (smiling): Well, oppressed by the importance of place and the very notion of a museum. I wonder if I am as important or not to enter. I think that visitors to a certain point of view are forced to recognize the value of the artists featured in major exhibitions. They are at the Museum, with a capital. So all this makes me want to say shit to museums.
Interview pa Harry Kampianne
Full interview to read CURRENT ART No. 67 March-April 2010
: Expo "Striptease full of Ben at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) of Lyon until July 11, 2010
Santa Maria Label Parts Of The Ship
Versailles or the Silver King, mail to Mr. Aillagon
past few weeks, the micro-Web muséophile planet moves around the first free evening reserved for "fans" of the Facebook page of a museum, in this case the Decorative Arts that the Net accounts for nearly 3000 members, and in Paris, several institutions: the Museum of Advertising, Fashion and Decorative Arts Rue de Rivoli and the Musée Nissim de Camondo, near the Parc Monceau.
Convinced that the evening will be sympathetic to its participants - we may be - though one wonders why it is an extraordinary event. At that point followed by spend each item. For a museum hosting a party for some happy fews, nothing really original. We already knew the evenings Students, evenings Enterprise ... The only special feature here is the mode of invitation, via the Facebook page of the museum, which replaces the previously offered invitations, for example, a magazine or a radio. Both, in the words of Diane Drubay Buzzeum
"Please do not return the knife in the wound for us poor unfortunate provincial who have no opportunity to climb to the capital on a Thursday night ... really too unfair "
past few weeks, the micro-Web muséophile planet moves around the first free evening reserved for "fans" of the Facebook page of a museum, in this case the Decorative Arts that the Net accounts for nearly 3000 members, and in Paris, several institutions: the Museum of Advertising, Fashion and Decorative Arts Rue de Rivoli and the Musée Nissim de Camondo, near the Parc Monceau.
Convinced that the evening will be sympathetic to its participants - we may be - though one wonders why it is an extraordinary event. At that point followed by spend each item. For a museum hosting a party for some happy fews, nothing really original. We already knew the evenings Students, evenings Enterprise ... The only special feature here is the mode of invitation, via the Facebook page of the museum, which replaces the previously offered invitations, for example, a magazine or a radio. Both, in the words of Diane Drubay
, Facebook, since it is currently sharing site in fashion to create a real bond with people interested in a museum and its subject, the exchange beyond the geographical distance, to discuss among fans etc - and it is true that the Facebook of Decorative Arts, led by its webmaster Fabien Escalona, is particularly active, notably with his regular game of an object to find out who did some hard thinking of the fans - all host a party in situ for once excluded for all those unable to reach for questions stupidly removal.
Thus, reflection of Beatrice, Facebook Fan Art Deco, reacting to a stimulus of invitation to the evening, summed it up: . This is where the strangeness of the initiative, paradoxical for the web, which ultimately will benefit only a few, local and privileged. Is to invent a kind of web-worldliness.
That membership of the Facebook page of a museum brings benefits, why not, as tariff reductions for its collections or its exhibitions (a distant person could then use from on-site) on items sold in the museum shop or I do not know what else offered at a distance, it is equally odd eventually recreate VIP parties for finally a small part of his "fans". Unless this is just a publicity stunt, marketing, to make today. In this case, true modernity, for Art Deco, would be charging at all, the first Sunday of the month, something his leadership stubbornly refuses to make the excuse that his business is not strictly a museum National. That would be class, right?
Facebook Page of Decorative Arts / Evening Thursday, February 18, 2010
Website des Arts Decoratifs
That membership of the Facebook page of a museum brings benefits, why not, as tariff reductions for its collections or its exhibitions (a distant person could then use from on-site) on items sold in the museum shop or I do not know what else offered at a distance, it is equally odd eventually recreate VIP parties for finally a small part of his "fans". Unless this is just a publicity stunt, marketing, to make today. In this case, true modernity, for Art Deco, would be charging at all, the first Sunday of the month, something his leadership stubbornly refuses to make the excuse that his business is not strictly a museum National. That would be class, right?
Facebook Page of Decorative Arts / Evening Thursday, February 18, 2010
Website des Arts Decoratifs
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Application Of Acrylic Nails
Versailles, charging anti-democratic and anti-commercial
Confrontation great artistic ambition MONUMENTA calls each year initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, a contemporary artist of international renown to invest the Grand Palais with a masterpiece specially designed for the occasion. After the first two editions of the Monumenta Anselm Kiefer in 2007, and American sculptor Richard Serra in 2008, which attracted over 140,000 visitors in five weeks, Christian Boltanski, one of the most French artists, which takes up the challenge in 2010. The exhibition is co-produced by the National Center of Art, the Grand Palais and the RMN.
Confrontation great artistic ambition MONUMENTA calls each year initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, a contemporary artist of international renown to invest the Grand Palais with a masterpiece specially designed for the occasion. After the first two editions of the Monumenta Anselm Kiefer in 2007, and American sculptor Richard Serra in 2008, which attracted over 140,000 visitors in five weeks, Christian Boltanski, one of the most French artists, which takes up the challenge in 2010. The exhibition is co-produced by the National Center of Art, the Grand Palais and the RMN.

Pop A Syphilis Chancre?
Gardens of Versailles - I live on 93, I do 45km, I do not have enough money ... Ben said
Unbelievable but true. Read the latest issue of VIEWS, January 2010 in a fascinating article on Marion Rousset "The small hands of contemporary art," namely the technicians who work behind the scenes to achieve the designed works by contemporary artists, they , hyper-media coverage. To what extent these "artisans" are they not equally the authors of works on display? It the question posed by this article very original.
journalist surveyed Enzyme Design, the workshop has achieved most of the pieces exhibited at Veilhan Chateau de Versailles until last December. Including the Coach installed in the courtyard or to the Mobile purple balls that hung above the staircase Gabriel inside the castle. The makers of this work have experienced difficulties to be excluded from the media exposure of what they see as their work also, which recognizes amply Veilhan itself. So they asked, what was more than legitimate, that the name of their company be placed on the presentation of the Mobile cartel at the foot of the stairs Gabriel ... The Chateau de Versailles made them pay 1800 euros as a space ad. No comment.
:: SAVE A GLANCE: VISTA Magazine is in great economic difficulty. But he sounded an atypical voice in the cultural field (among others) which was more than ever. To support this, then run buy its last issue in January 2010 and for more: it is here
Unbelievable but true. Read the latest issue of VIEWS, January 2010 in a fascinating article on Marion Rousset "The small hands of contemporary art," namely the technicians who work behind the scenes to achieve the designed works by contemporary artists, they , hyper-media coverage. To what extent these "artisans" are they not equally the authors of works on display? It the question posed by this article very original.
journalist surveyed Enzyme Design, the workshop has achieved most of the pieces exhibited at Veilhan Chateau de Versailles until last December. Including the Coach installed in the courtyard or to the Mobile purple balls that hung above the staircase Gabriel inside the castle. The makers of this work have experienced difficulties to be excluded from the media exposure of what they see as their work also, which recognizes amply Veilhan itself. So they asked, what was more than legitimate, that the name of their company be placed on the presentation of the Mobile cartel at the foot of the stairs Gabriel ... The Chateau de Versailles made them pay 1800 euros as a space ad. No comment.
:: SAVE A GLANCE: VISTA Magazine is in great economic difficulty. But he sounded an atypical voice in the cultural field (among others) which was more than ever. To support this, then run buy its last issue in January 2010 and for more: it is here
Friday, April 9, 2010
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