exorbitant ticket, non refundable, nor exchangeable
- Early December, I promised my children (ages 3 and 6) to take them to visit the palace of the greatest king of France. I take it for a day off, reserve train tickets (we live in Lyon region), and buys internet front gate adult ticket for the castle of Versailles. Our journey and the visit must be the same day, Friday, January 8.
January 8 in the morning, we look around our 2:00 train that will never happen. In effect snowfall that day seriously disrupts traffic on the rail network. We finally reassemble into another train that will acknowledge their skate to a delay of more than'une hour. So instead of'arriver at 11:27 AM, we arrived about 15h in Paris. The children were hungry, unable to'envisager a new journey to the castle of Versailles in this hour and under these conditions.
Unfortunately we can not see the next day another program has been planned. Since that date there, I phoned and sent emails to the castle ticket office to cancel or reschedule THE USE my ticket. I was told that the ticket is valid for one month, and they pose no additional time possible. I''ve sent an email on February 1, seeking exemption for the relaxation time to the Easter holidays. I can not move to Paris to'envie, SNCF tickets are expensive (yes, too), and I have very few days off. I received no response so far, and I doubt receive a ...
The Great Gallery of Evolution in the Jardin des Plantes allows the use of tickets within 3 months! Therefore for a house of international renown, which receives thousands of visitors each day, the time they are too short?? I find it absurd and so much contempt for the visitor ... : VA
Other trade policy review of Versailles
- Early December, I promised my children (ages 3 and 6) to take them to visit the palace of the greatest king of France. I take it for a day off, reserve train tickets (we live in Lyon region), and buys internet front gate adult ticket for the castle of Versailles. Our journey and the visit must be the same day, Friday, January 8.
January 8 in the morning, we look around our 2:00 train that will never happen. In effect snowfall that day seriously disrupts traffic on the rail network. We finally reassemble into another train that will acknowledge their skate to a delay of more than'une hour. So instead of'arriver at 11:27 AM, we arrived about 15h in Paris. The children were hungry, unable to'envisager a new journey to the castle of Versailles in this hour and under these conditions.
Unfortunately we can not see the next day another program has been planned. Since that date there, I phoned and sent emails to the castle ticket office to cancel or reschedule THE USE my ticket. I was told that the ticket is valid for one month, and they pose no additional time possible. I''ve sent an email on February 1, seeking exemption for the relaxation time to the Easter holidays. I can not move to Paris to'envie, SNCF tickets are expensive (yes, too), and I have very few days off. I received no response so far, and I doubt receive a ...
The Great Gallery of Evolution in the Jardin des Plantes allows the use of tickets within 3 months! Therefore for a house of international renown, which receives thousands of visitors each day, the time they are too short?? I find it absurd and so much contempt for the visitor ... : VA
Other trade policy review of Versailles