Sunday, January 24, 2010

Travestis Online Movie Free

Christian Boltanski Superstar

At a time when the most advanced technology invades the world of museums, dematerialized and ultimately dehumanizes them a little (Iphone application, 3D Virtual Tour, overview of historical sites by Street View, digitization of collections .. .), the Museum of Fine Arts, Lyon, decidedly very dynamic, is totally opposite direction by proposing a night tour group ... the flashlight. And for only 5 €, device not provided. We already knew, in castles, visits to the other torch and the candle. Here, Lyon seems to have inspired similar experiences born during the Night of museums, including the visual
was just a giant flashlight illuminating the entrance to a museum. The video shows an experiment very tempting. Beyond his sympathetic side, playful, almost childlike, the initiative is interesting because it allows different approach works, the more detail-oriented ... Evidence that a work of mediation does not necessarily need large resources to exist. And if modernity lay in humans? This exceptional night visit took place within the traditional Festival of Lights in Lyon which takes place every year in early December. The event will be repeated each year.

Museum flashlight sent MuseeBeauxArtsLyon
: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

"> Museum of the City of Lyon

Friday, January 22, 2010

How I Can Do Without Usb Adapter For Aircap

Palace of Versailles is pay cartels like the pub

Scoop is a recently launched Lawrence Brunner, director of Château de Versailles Spectacles which is always appreciated relevance of the remarks. The castle has a collection of ... well ... well licentious works, voila! It is
PARISIEN " as described by the journalist Matthew Suc. Fuck! Also, Laurent Brunner has wanted reassuring "We will not expose

pornographic works in a castle open to under 18. Full of classic works are not shown at Versailles because of their ambiguity, this will be the same for Murakami "
. Ambiguity ... But what exactly does he? So we hide some prints and other prints nimble, even in the round quelqu'objet Louis XV! But we who are adults and are not frightened by the things of life, in the name of historical truth, we're burning to know what it is.

"Psyche and Cupid in a chariot" by Van Loo (1705-1765), Versailles
If this is true, why not create a nook in the palace like a Secret Cabinet once the archaeological museum Naples where, in the shadows, were gathered evocative objects unearthed from the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Do not show for ladies or girls, or to the abbots ... It come with a special pass sold very Prices for the benefit, of course, restoration or purchase of precious furniture. For set design, patrons jostled without doubt DUREX, AUBADE or TitanMen ... Perhaps more in keeping with the image of the place, why not SONIA RYKIEL, she who, with her duckling ultra-trendy and vibrant, has succumbed to readers of ELLE. In the interest of cultural democracy, it would be like another way to broaden the public's Castle and finance issue, to increase revenue. But let's face it, the revelation of Mr. Brunner does not surprise us halfway. We know that at Versailles, in his time, pornographic literature circulating in the mantle. And, no offense to Prince Charles-Emmanuel de Bourbon-Parma and his supporters , the Castle, the gardens alcoves, was the scene of all wickedness, the most Torves the most delicious. As we mentioned in our article on the history of gardens or in the portrait of Mr. , brother of Louis XIV very gay
... Mr. Brunner, stop the torture, tell us more!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lenovo Veriface Disable Windows 7

Discovering the museum Tavet Delacour-Pontoise

Debate on 1 December 2009, the Senate Public chain between Jacques Legendre (UMP), Chairman of the Committee Culture in the Senate, and Didier Rykner of the online journal La Tribune Art
about the recent vote by the Senate providing an opportunity for the state to sell the historic buildings to local authorities (Article 52 of the Act Finance 2010), then to private. Followed by a discussion of the aristocrats in politics who is not so far away ...
The debate starts at the Heritage 10mn27 : Strikes in Culture, abroad there was. And beefy. Even in the Anglo-Saxon countries where we always want to make us believe in the omnipotence liberal. Like the U.S. screenwriters that paralyzed the Hollywood industry for more than three months from November 2007 to mid-February 2008! And today, as the Centre Pompidou is in his 24th day on strike, the news broke in Canada. At Gatineau, Quebec, the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the War Museum, the cultural institution of the most visited countries and employing 420 employees, had been on strike for 86 days. An agreement to end the conflict just concluded, and after three months, some of the claims Canadian strikers are not unlike those of their French colleagues, including the fight against precarious employment.
PRESS PSAC (Public Service Alliance of Canada): Ratification of a new agreement after 86 days of strike GATINEAU, QC, Dec. 15 / CNW Telbec / - Workers and workers in the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the Canadian War Museum have accepted the tentative agreement negotiated between the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC). They will resume work tomorrow, ending a 86-day strike. "In terms of job security and outsourcing, the gains we have achieved are significant," said Daniel Poulin, a guide to the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the president of Local 70396 of the AFPC. "Neither rain nor snow have cooled the ardor of our members. Nothing came undermine their solidarity, which earned them the support of the people of Ottawa-Gatineau. I am proud of what we have accomplished together. " Some highlights of the new collective agreement for a term of four years: - A guarantee that no employee appointed for an indefinite period will not be found in termination 'involuntary job because of outsourcing. - The new agreement includes provisions on job security which require museums to have recourse to attrition, and this, to minimize job losses.
- A total of seven new permanent jobs with part time hours assigned will be created in the field of primary care. Positions will be posted and filled by internal candidates, according to their seniority and their current position.
- The temporary full-time employees will have the opportunity to become indeterminate if, after 24 months of service, their functions are still deemed necessary. - Adding provisions to the article on maternity leave and parental leave so that it reflects the Québec Parental Insurance Plan.

"These workers have pulled together and helped each other, which enabled them to improve their situation at work, "said John Gordon, PSAC National President. They are the soul of the two museums. We are very pleased to announce their return to work and know they will continue to offer the public their quality services. " :

release on the site of the PSAC :