Friday, January 22, 2010

How I Can Do Without Usb Adapter For Aircap

Palace of Versailles is pay cartels like the pub

Scoop is a recently launched Lawrence Brunner, director of Château de Versailles Spectacles which is always appreciated relevance of the remarks. The castle has a collection of ... well ... well licentious works, voila! It is
PARISIEN " as described by the journalist Matthew Suc. Fuck! Also, Laurent Brunner has wanted reassuring "We will not expose

pornographic works in a castle open to under 18. Full of classic works are not shown at Versailles because of their ambiguity, this will be the same for Murakami "
. Ambiguity ... But what exactly does he? So we hide some prints and other prints nimble, even in the round quelqu'objet Louis XV! But we who are adults and are not frightened by the things of life, in the name of historical truth, we're burning to know what it is.

"Psyche and Cupid in a chariot" by Van Loo (1705-1765), Versailles
If this is true, why not create a nook in the palace like a Secret Cabinet once the archaeological museum Naples where, in the shadows, were gathered evocative objects unearthed from the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Do not show for ladies or girls, or to the abbots ... It come with a special pass sold very Prices for the benefit, of course, restoration or purchase of precious furniture. For set design, patrons jostled without doubt DUREX, AUBADE or TitanMen ... Perhaps more in keeping with the image of the place, why not SONIA RYKIEL, she who, with her duckling ultra-trendy and vibrant, has succumbed to readers of ELLE. In the interest of cultural democracy, it would be like another way to broaden the public's Castle and finance issue, to increase revenue. But let's face it, the revelation of Mr. Brunner does not surprise us halfway. We know that at Versailles, in his time, pornographic literature circulating in the mantle. And, no offense to Prince Charles-Emmanuel de Bourbon-Parma and his supporters , the Castle, the gardens alcoves, was the scene of all wickedness, the most Torves the most delicious. As we mentioned in our article on the history of gardens or in the portrait of Mr. , brother of Louis XIV very gay
... Mr. Brunner, stop the torture, tell us more!


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