Pop / Jazz
" I'm far away I Took a rocket trip to Mars.
I Flew away 'cause life on Earth WAS I was to harsh. "
Another highly anticipated album and, to quote one of many anonymous poets of Deezer" unrolls his beautiful album good. " For me now to explain it a little better ...
A fraction Of You , the first album of Fredrika Stahl, put himself in the ranks of the best jazz record stores shelves. The second Tributaries , had brought the radius pop, while keeping his place on the airwaves of Radio Jazz . Sweep me Away With , it is clear that the beautiful Swedish watered his eardrums influences far more diverse than his classics. In fact, she even rob a Virgin . of Moldy Peaches on the song Song Of July with his acoustic guitar and singing birds, electronic effects worthy of Emilie Simon on Sweep me away , Fredrika Stahl visibly expands its horizons. For my part, I love.
As many steps forward, it implies to leave some things behind. Sweep me away on , these are the texts in Swedish and French. " Between you and me is broken, nothing will go " is the only non-English words on the album. Dan Brown certainly find a religious code in this sentence to explain the absence of language of Molière and Stieg Larson. Me, I see only: Fredrika attack the international market! This reason also explains the presence of So High tube, his penultimate album at the end of it. Another clue comes
confirm the scaling of the career of the young Scandinavian. When in his old albums, it would have a few violins to the maudlin with Sweep me away , it is accompanied by a real orchestra. Songs on MOSW (read My Own Special Way and not the Ministry Of Silly Walks Monty Python of ) and Fading Away , we can easily imagine Frederika Stahl in evening dress, singing the first part of Dean Martin. What is the feminine of crooner?
In another style, In my head and especially Fling was boy could have been part of the soundtrack of a romantic comedy in English. This is not a criticism: the movies are bad but the music is generally very nice. What
purists can rest assured all the same "style Fredrika Stahl is present throughout Sweep me away. Even if violins are budget tripled from his second album, the song A Drop in the sea would have been amply his place. Fredrika sings feelings sitting behind his piano, while playing melodies simple but extremely catchy, his voice doing the rest.
Since the beginning of media hype around Sweep me away, the presence of a new song in a commercial for a car and number of sores in the gaps of music, I do not make me any worries about the commercial success of this album, but still run to buy it.
The best conditions for listening to the album:
As the mood of the album sometimes turns to the British romantic comedy, soak up the atmosphere. Pay for four single friends to get married and one fifth to be buried can be quite expensive, I suggest you simply take the shuttle with your other half (Am I alone in finding this stupid phrase?) And go to Notting Hill .
The song of the album: Rocket trip to Mars
The sequence of good taste: Begin to Hope - Regina Spektor . Otherwise, Bouna , the group of former journalist Stephanie Renouvin should soon release an album. In the meantime, take a ride on their Myspace page.
A fraction Of You , the first album of Fredrika Stahl, put himself in the ranks of the best jazz record stores shelves. The second Tributaries , had brought the radius pop, while keeping his place on the airwaves of Radio Jazz . Sweep me Away With , it is clear that the beautiful Swedish watered his eardrums influences far more diverse than his classics. In fact, she even rob a Virgin . of Moldy Peaches on the song Song Of July with his acoustic guitar and singing birds, electronic effects worthy of Emilie Simon on Sweep me away , Fredrika Stahl visibly expands its horizons. For my part, I love.
As many steps forward, it implies to leave some things behind. Sweep me away on , these are the texts in Swedish and French. " Between you and me is broken, nothing will go " is the only non-English words on the album. Dan Brown certainly find a religious code in this sentence to explain the absence of language of Molière and Stieg Larson. Me, I see only: Fredrika attack the international market! This reason also explains the presence of So High tube, his penultimate album at the end of it. Another clue comes
confirm the scaling of the career of the young Scandinavian. When in his old albums, it would have a few violins to the maudlin with Sweep me away , it is accompanied by a real orchestra. Songs on MOSW (read My Own Special Way and not the Ministry Of Silly Walks Monty Python of ) and Fading Away , we can easily imagine Frederika Stahl in evening dress, singing the first part of Dean Martin. What is the feminine of crooner?
In another style, In my head and especially Fling was boy could have been part of the soundtrack of a romantic comedy in English. This is not a criticism: the movies are bad but the music is generally very nice. What
purists can rest assured all the same "style Fredrika Stahl is present throughout Sweep me away. Even if violins are budget tripled from his second album, the song A Drop in the sea would have been amply his place. Fredrika sings feelings sitting behind his piano, while playing melodies simple but extremely catchy, his voice doing the rest.
Since the beginning of media hype around Sweep me away, the presence of a new song in a commercial for a car and number of sores in the gaps of music, I do not make me any worries about the commercial success of this album, but still run to buy it.
The best conditions for listening to the album:
As the mood of the album sometimes turns to the British romantic comedy, soak up the atmosphere. Pay for four single friends to get married and one fifth to be buried can be quite expensive, I suggest you simply take the shuttle with your other half (Am I alone in finding this stupid phrase?) And go to Notting Hill .
The song of the album: Rocket trip to Mars
The sequence of good taste: Begin to Hope - Regina Spektor . Otherwise, Bouna , the group of former journalist Stephanie Renouvin should soon release an album. In the meantime, take a ride on their Myspace page.
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