Worstalbumever rock
" You Can See These Tears are real, I'm crying "
For those who have not yet seen the ad for this album, I do a little rundown. After a successful tour of Viva Elvis Cirque du Soleil , Sony Music has decided to release the album for Christmas. The stated goal is to get up to date a few tubes from King to reach a younger audience. The result will pierce the eardrums in a few notes: This is a complete failure.
Before any misunderstanding, do a little focus. For starters, I do not criticize the tour, I have not seen, but only the album. Then I do not condemn the whole concept of remix. Make known to younger generations of older works is a noble task, I found myself Patti Smith following a takeover by the Distillers
... Now, let's go to the heart of the matter. Page deezer opened, the first thing that is obvious is the lack of originality in the choice of songs. Except maybe Bossa Nova Baby , the playlist is lazy: All songs are arch-known. After an introduction inspired by the scenes of Elvis entries, interspersed with bits of interviews, album begins Blue Suede Shoes . First reaction: "WHAT THE FUCK?! The three notes repeated incessantly guitar and harmonica bring only of boredom punctuated the song once. The song has lost all his energy and they are not scarce attempts to scratch that alter this conclusion. As with Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis's voice is so edited, remixed, compressed to the extreme to give a vintage effect that imagined singing into a megaphone at the head of a procession against the pension reform ...
By continuing to listen this album, one realizes that all the pieces were smoothed to form a unit. The irony is that the voice of Elvis is so altered, it could not serve as a binder for this album yet appointed Viva Elvis. pieces from the first part of his career ( That's Alright, Blue Suede Shoes etc..) Have no energy and those from his later years ( Suspicious Mind, Can not Help Falling in Love etc..) were deprived of the power and emotion transmitted by the orchestra. All tracks have been rendered meaningless for better look. It appears nothing in his tracks. To be blunt: it's elevator music with a voice too remixed to look like the King.
The desire to "make younger" also misses his chance. The scratch Blue Suede Shoes and guitars reminiscent of far too much 80/90 to attract younger generations. Some songs sound like B-sides of old Bon Jovi, or worse: the long awaited (for anything) C hines Democracy of Guns N'Roses . As with many album, here is the worst for last. I've never been a big fan of Love me Tender but this version is a masterpiece: a maudlin piano, acoustic guitar style fireside and Amel Bent ...! If so, you read correctly, Amel Bent, the loser of the New Star finds himself in a duet with Elvis ... is appalling.
To conclude, I must confess that I did not understand this album. It misses on every level. People unfamiliar with the career of Elvis did not learn more because the songs do not resemble the originals at all, young people do not recognize to be in his 80's feeling the remix and the fans of the King did not even discern the voice of their sovereign. There is one thing to add:
The best conditions for listening to the album:
The best is to post 200 kilometers from your speakers.
The song from the album: Ø
The sequence of good taste:
Run quickly replay the King during the '68 Comeback Special !
Worstalbumever rock
" You Can See These Tears are real, I'm crying "
For those who have not yet seen the ad for this album, I do a little rundown. After a successful tour of Viva Elvis Cirque du Soleil , Sony Music has decided to release the album for Christmas. The stated goal is to get up to date a few tubes from King to reach a younger audience. The result will pierce the eardrums in a few notes: This is a complete failure.
Before any misunderstanding, do a little focus. For starters, I do not criticize the tour, I have not seen, but only the album. Then I do not condemn the whole concept of remix. Make known to younger generations of older works is a noble task, I found myself Patti Smith following a takeover by the Distillers
... Now, let's go to the heart of the matter. Page deezer opened, the first thing that is obvious is the lack of originality in the choice of songs. Except maybe Bossa Nova Baby , the playlist is lazy: All songs are arch-known. After an introduction inspired by the scenes of Elvis entries, interspersed with bits of interviews, album begins Blue Suede Shoes . First reaction: "WHAT THE FUCK?! The three notes repeated incessantly guitar and harmonica bring only of boredom punctuated the song once. The song has lost all his energy and they are not scarce attempts to scratch that alter this conclusion. As with Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis's voice is so edited, remixed, compressed to the extreme to give a vintage effect that imagined singing into a megaphone at the head of a procession against the pension reform ...
By continuing to listen this album, one realizes that all the pieces were smoothed to form a unit. The irony is that the voice of Elvis is so altered, it could not serve as a binder for this album yet appointed Viva Elvis. pieces from the first part of his career ( That's Alright, Blue Suede Shoes etc..) Have no energy and those from his later years ( Suspicious Mind, Can not Help Falling in Love etc..) were deprived of the power and emotion transmitted by the orchestra. All tracks have been rendered meaningless for better look. It appears nothing in his tracks. To be blunt: it's elevator music with a voice too remixed to look like the King.
The desire to "make younger" also misses his chance. The scratch Blue Suede Shoes and guitars reminiscent of far too much 80/90 to attract younger generations. Some songs sound like B-sides of old Bon Jovi, or worse: the long awaited (for anything) C hines Democracy of Guns N'Roses . As with many album, here is the worst for last. I've never been a big fan of Love me Tender but this version is a masterpiece: a maudlin piano, acoustic guitar style fireside and Amel Bent ...! If so, you read correctly, Amel Bent, the loser of the New Star finds himself in a duet with Elvis ... is appalling.
To conclude, I must confess that I did not understand this album. It misses on every level. People unfamiliar with the career of Elvis did not learn more because the songs do not resemble the originals at all, young people do not recognize to be in his 80's feeling the remix and the fans of the King did not even discern the voice of their sovereign. There is one thing to add:
The best conditions for listening to the album:
The best is to post 200 kilometers from your speakers.
The song from the album: Ø
The sequence of good taste:
Run quickly replay the King during the '68 Comeback Special !
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