Hi all,
balance 2010 is quite positive, even if no had great discoveries in length in my research. (Avalon crushed the other clubs on that side).
There have been many days of prospecting. And who says
surveys, said discoveries.
I will not list them but they are dozens of caves that were found. The Bourdon
hole and the hole of ants are my best finds. Why? Well read below.
Rudi prospects after the caves.
There were some guides.
Camp patro, guides to the park on days Furfooz discoveries and also during the night bats.
JB and activity patro.
I was very happy to have found the first bones in Neolithic hole Bourdon.
I was even happier when the discovery of a second cave containing Neolithic remains in the hole of the Ants.
The archaeological department of the province came directly effect the rescue of this material.
Michel Toussaint, anthropologist and Bibiche technician came to perform these searches.
Bibiche at the entrance of the Bumblebee.
Neolithic skull.
Rudi hole before the ants.
Some Neolithic bones. Rudi and Bibiche.
Désob the hole of Chance.
There was the visit of the Balm of Angels as part of my job with Jean-Jacques and Hugh, 2 very nice of cavers MASC Montelimar.
The group at the entrance of the Baume des Anges.
visits during open houses.
The beautiful exhibition on Neanderthal man.
Etc ...
Tom and Rudi at the exit of the caves of Han.
Heritage Days at the Grotto Scladina.
Expo Neanderthal man.
Bibiche, Michel Toussaint, Rudi, Fred, Michel Pichel, JB, Mark, Tom, Yves, Jean-Pierre, Francois, Michel Timperman, the Cascade guys, and sorry if I have forgotten, and what was a real pleasure to have been known and in some cases (thank you nasty squeezes) be on your side.
Roll on 2011, hoping it will be for me and for you, as if not more interesting than the year 2010.
I think if you want to succeed in finding a great dévelloppement, restrictions sites and focus on one or the other but with perseverance.
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