Ignorance is the mother of [all evil] Ignorance leads to [death, because] those who come from [ignorance] neither were not [are] nor will be. [But those in the truth] will be perfect when all truth is revealed. For truth is like ignorance. While hidden, truth rests in itself, but when revealed and recognized, truth is praised in that it is stronger than ignorance and error. It gives freedom.
The word says, "If you know the truth, the truth will make you free." Ignorance is slave, knowledge is freedom. If we know the truth, we shall find the fruit of truth within us. If we join with it, it will bring us fulfillment. (...)
Everyone who enters the bedchambers will kindle the light. This is like mariages that occur [in secret and] take place at night. The light of the fire [shines] during the night and then goes out. The mysteries of that marriage, however, are performed in the day and the light, and neither that day nor its light ever sets.
If someone becomes an attendant of the bridal chamber, that person will receive the light. If one does not receive it while here in this place, one cannot receive it in the other place.
Those who receive the light cannot be seen or grasped. Nothing can trouble such people even while they are living in this world. And when they leave this world, they have already received truth trough images, and the world has become the eternal realm. To these people the eternal realm is Fullness.
This is the way it is. It is revealed to such a person alone, hidden not fect day and holy night.
The Gospel According to Philip
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