Monday, January 10, 2011

Urethra Kidney Stone Size


Hi all.
Here is a very nice article which was written first, by Marguerite Fournier and secondly by Mr. Jacques Boyer.
These articles and photos from the site on the history of Drill.
I asked permission to copy for my blog you'll find and I warmly thank the manager for giving me permission to use the fruits of their labor. Again thank you to them.
I took the 2 articles and submitted some photos but the presentation is different.
Sorry for the bug pins is on my first attempt to put this issue a few days ago


First is Edouard-Alfred Martel?

Edouard-Alfred Martel
speleologist French, born in Pontoise
1 July 1859, died on
Castle Guard
(Saint-Thomas-la-Garde, Loire)
3 June 1938.

Attorney, concurred with the court
of Commerce in Paris from 1886 to 1898, he made
underground explorations
whose results were used to establish a new branch

of physical geography,

From 1883 to 1887 he explored the region
Causses Cevennes.
From 1888, with Gaupillat and Launay,
he made daring raids into the abyss or
previously unknown, Dargilan,
Bramabiau, Padirac ...
He did the same in England,
Ireland, Austria, Peloponnese,
the island Mallorca.

He founded and became secretary general
Society of Speleology (1895).
He taught at the Sorbonne (1899): during free
underground geography.

In 1901, he collaborated in the development the geological map of France.
In 1928 he became president of the Geographical Society.

Main works:
Cévennes and Causses region of
(1889); the Abyss (1894); Ireland and England Caverns (1897);
Speleology (1900); Padirac (1901);
and especially of France ignored
(1928-1930, 2 volumes).

Edouard Martel
father of French caving

by Marguerite Fournier

cavers Congress, held recently in Montbrison, presented in memory that which was considered " Father and Apostle of caving French " Edouard-Alfred Martel , born in Pontoise the 1 July 1859 and died in Castle Saint-Thomas-la- Guard the June 3, 1938. He resided there since 1922 with his wife who survived him fifteen years.

Martel, born Aline Launay liked to evoke memories of an adventurous life that she had been involved but did not take an active part:

I contented myself with accompany and wait at the exit of the pits watching the "front" of the landscape when he discovered the "back" into the bowels of the earth ... If you had seen what state he was coming up! ... A real sewerman!
Indeed, the Paris lawyer, from a family of lawyers, had one passion: to dig underground to discover the laws of geography and hydrogeology groundwater. He did not abandon his profession and less for twelve years, took the argument head on and caving ... In 1889 , he abandoned the legal profession to follow his true calling ...

Half a century of travel and explorations, hundreds of proven natural curiosities, desert areas turned into tourist centers, studies on groundwater and the result applied to hygiene saved many lives, was the assessment of the existence of this great scholar of this fine old man with clear eyes that the inhabitants of Saint-Thomas-la-Garde worked with him for sixteen years without suspecting its worldwide popularity.

From 1888 to 1936, sometimes for pleasure, sometimes charged with official missions, Edouard Martel explored in France, the Causses, Jura, Savoy, Dauphine, the Pyrenees, Brittany, Vercors, Provence ... Abroad, Belgium, the Peloponnese, Austria, Norway, Ireland, the Balearics, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, and several regions of the United States ... Beautiful places he traveled and discovered wonders.

Yet said Ms. Martel , the most beautiful places in the world will never earned him the arid plateaus of the Causses, his "dear Causses" to which he returned every year, it has, so to say, scum, the browsing in all directions with his touring caravan carrying the rope ladders, winches, pulleys, boats, canvas telephone, electric light apparatus and magnesium. The excitement was high among the peoples of remote villages through which he passed. People wondered if it was a procession of emigrants or a circus, but the "information" was specified that the troupe of "gentleman who traveled to the hole!"

is July 9, 1889 he discovered the Padirac. He descended alone in this huge funnel and felt a great impression that he translated as follows: / / seemed to be at the bottom of a telescope aimed at a circular piece of blue sky.

For hours and hours, Edouard Martel and his companions had joined him by the rope ladder, scrutèrent the bottom of the abyss guided by the murmur of running water ... Discover this underground river, follow it along the way, this was now the aim of exploring ... Year after year, in boldness boldness, danger, danger, fatigue, fatigue, the basement of Causses gave tourists the wonders that are among the finest in the world: Padirac ... Dargilan ... Bramabiau ... The Aven Armand nicknamed " The dream of a thousand and one nights " " Forest Virgin," "The Apotheosis of caverns" with its 400 stalagmites in fantastic shapes, real trees to stone leaves a pearly transparency of fine porcelain ...

Life of Edward Martel was masterfully written by his disciple Norbert Casteret. It shows the courage, tenacity, the audacity of a man "who always found energy to fight only for the ideal case of science and gained fame by devoting themselves - to the letter - a task obscure problems of a novelty and complexity that had discouraged and frightened his predecessors .

Recipient of numerous awards, particularly the Grand Prize in Physical Sciences, founder and president of the Society of Speleology, several times winner of the Institute, Edouard Martel had the unique privilege of attend the June 11, 1927 , at the inauguration of his own statue. After receiving the tie of Commander of the Legion of Honor, he made himself down the veil covering his chest, standing on the banks of the Tarn, on a pedestal of rocks and stalagmites ...

But since 1922, this flyer was elected to the Drill will end in gentleness and peace, a life so eventful. He liked the area where his wife's family had ties (Ms. Martel was in fact the sister of Mrs. Emile Reymond, glorious senator-war aviator of 14).

The last two years of his life were painful:

He almost lost his sight and could neither read nor write. He bore vine uring his illness with courage, heartened by the Christian hope. He died June 3, 1938 in the morning. His funeral took place in the church of Saint-Thomas-la-Garde. The entire population gave him the last rites and it is, worn by men at arms in the country, as his coffin was transported to the outskirts of the village where a car took him back to Paris.

accordance with his will, these ceremonies s'effectuèrent without pomp, without speech, in the greatest simplicity. He left in silence our turbulent world and too forgetful to return to the underground silence he had so loved over fifty years of its existence devoted to the darkness of the earth
(Norbert Casteret).

In the Drill, the disappearance of Mr. Martel passed almost unnoticed. We did not know his work: the echoes of his fame was reached very attenuated in this country for quiet walks and simple lines. A Montbrison, where he was driving in the car for his driver he could be seen every Sunday to attend the High Mass in the college. It was, they said, a great scholar, he was admired and respected it, but knew nothing more ...

Having given everything for his country, and even his health, Mr. Martel was placed in a highlight of his latest works this phrase imbued with a melancholy serenity

men console themselves by study and admiration of nature. Without interest, without ambition, love and practice science for its usefulness ...
And if the work remains unfinished, the tool to send replacements, to exit quietly to the Great Rest! ...

And God knows if there are hands, and if he continues to have to collect the tool provided by Edouard Martel and continue its work!

Martel completed his life peacefully in the castle of Saint-Thomas-la-Garde surrounded by her memories and the many things she had brought back from his travels around the world ... She was particularly fond of the dolls and had a magnificent collection. After his death, his niece and heir, Madame Renouard and Fournier, Paris, donated to the city Montbrison. This was the beginning of the Doll Museum which is currently enjoying a great reputation.
Marguerite Fournier-Neel
(from Village Drill No. 7, July 1981)

Signature Edouard Alfred Martel

Here is an article from a journal by Jacques Boyer.

Mr. Martel, the great explorer


IN a quiet home in the Saint-Georges-Edouard Alfred Martel - "Human caves, "as we jokingly nicknamed - dream today to take a well earned rest by almost half a century of explorations in the bowels of the earth. The eminent geologist visited, in fact, many gulfs, not only in France but in most European countries. He traveled hundreds of miles of underground tunnels. He discovered amid unfathomable abysses which rivers flow which we do not even suspect its existence and, through documents obtained under these mysterious caves, he created a new science, caving or spéologie.


From rustic strain, E.-A. Martel was born at Pontoise I July 1859 and fell in love at an early age, scenic beauties of French soil, or admiring the amazing cliffs of Etretat, where he spent his first vacation in Chamonix and is in the Pyrenees, where his family took him in 1864 and 1866. A brilliant student from the Lycee Condorcet, he won first prize Geography Contest General (1877), then became bachelor, he visited during his vacation in Switzerland and Italy, England and Austria, and is imposed the simple law degree because his parents want to give him a more lucrative career as an explorer.
Also, despite its aversion to code quibbles, our future caver, after lawyer's clerk for five years, succeeded in 1886, his father as a licensed lawyer in the Commercial Court of Paris, he is acting profession for a dozen years. While greatly impeding his scientific career, no court cases not prevent him from devoting all his leisure to travel and exploration to unveil the hidden secrets of nature. The mountaineers


A. Lequeutre was then his true "switcher", as he confided during an interview required by the composition of our article.
From 1879 to 1882, the Distinguished mountaineer, friend and collaborator of Franz Schrader, had just revealed to the French public ignored the splendors of the gorges of the Tarn and the Cévennes nearby. "Go in Lozere, he told the young Martel, I'm too old to get down to such a big task. Explore lots of these wonderful sites. You'll probably accomplish a great task, making you a name. "Our basochien did not fail to follow the advice of pyreneist insightful and, from 1883 to 1886, visited a month per year, the Causses and the Central Plateau, Riom in Nimes, peered into corners wild and published his first work geographic devoted to Montpellier-le-Vieux and the barrel of Tarn (1885).

Finally, after an initial topographic mission in the Alps where, as reserve officer, he climbed Mount Blanc and some surrounding peaks, the "man hole" begins his arduous toil caving. By 1888, it reveals the prestigious stalactite cave Dargilan (Lozère) and points in that of Bramabiau (Gard) the first underground river, on which a boat removable canvas allows him to navigate. Then the following year, his methods of explorations perfect. Ropes and rope ladders, which are essential to facilitate the descent into the abyss of the limestone plateaus of the Causses, drilled like gigantic skimmers, plus the use of the portable telephone. During the second season, he examines fourteen potholes, real "Gates of hell" that nobody had forced him before. Nothing was known topography of the abyss in which, according to local traditions, men and beasts had repeatedly gone. Martel then discovers, among other wonders, the most frightening of the caves of France, the cave Rabanel (near Ganges, Hérault), whose bottom is 212 meters below ground level and where no man does has yet dared to go down. At the same time, he encounters the underground river of the Sorgue Sarzac (Aveyron), which will soon become the subject of an industrial application of power. But mostly he methodically explores the famous goufffre Padirac (Lot), open to the public since 1899 and who last year welcomed over 20,000 visitors.
Included among the zealous companions of Mr. Martel, his cousin, G. Gaupillat, who had to stop working in 1893, Emile Foulkes, who died in 1919, Louis Armand, who was one of his aides most loyal until his death (1921), naturalist Armand Vire, including Travel and Sciences issued a remarkable article on dowsers, geologist E. Fournier, emulates its more active, and artist Louis Rudaux.


But all is not rosy in the difficult job of an explorer caves, and for us to report problems it presents, we will accompany Mr. Martel in one of his hikes, adventures and moving always identical, with minor variations.
First, the preliminary operations (survey of the hole with a rope and cast iron weights, ordering tools, topographic and geological examination of the approaches) require several hours. This fact is unwound the ropes and ladders are placed. At this time, each explorer is an appropriate costume: high shoes lace, leggings, wool clothing with many pockets, wide pants, blouse fabric strong enough not to tear on rocky ledges, and boiled leather helmet to cushion the shock of the stones that often stand out in passing. In addition, in a bag slung scope, the caver chief care to all objects indispensable paraphernalia: candles big, magnesium ribbon, matches, lighter, horn Oliphant, a hammer, knife, string, thermometer, barometer, compass with graph paper to plot topography and other scientific instruments, and finally, a small pharmacy, some food and comforting cordials. Our hiker is then "dressed" as sailors say. Armed with a small telephone, he moved So on a stick 60 cm long, set in the middle after a string of 200 meters and he shouts to his men: "Let go!" Immediately the rope slips through the hands of a half-dozen solid guys. On the other hand, a special contributor reel the telephone cable, adjusting the flow on the rope. The explorer, supported by his swing and the rope ladder along which it descends, slowly disappearing into the bowels of the earth. Little by little, we can no longer distinguish his voice, but let us approach the operator and shorthand dialogue exchanged.
Explorer. - Hello! Hello !
The operator stayed on the surface. - What is it?
Explorer. - Stop! I can not see clear, I light my candle. The
operator. - Understood, I await your orders.
Explorer. - Let go! the well is wide. All is well, pull faster! The
operator. - How deep are you?
Explorer. - I'm at the end of the third level: 60 meters, I think ...
Explorer. - Take care! I get a hail of stones on the head. The
operator. - It's a dog that wanders too close to the edge. Here, Rover!
(Minutes silence, then the conversation resumes.)
Explorer. - Let go gently: I come to a very bad time. The section is shrinking and the scale is a corkscrew. The
operator. - Included.
Ten minutes pass and a strong shock waves the cable.
is the scale that the explorer has just rejected in vacuum after carefully disentangled the complicated entortillage. The descent was resumed. Emotion: the rope is stuck. Finally, after a quarter of an hour, everything works out, the browser is back up the ladder difficult passage. The accident was repaired and the lower reaches of the abyss.
The caver comes off the rope and then inspected the bottom of the cave, while the team rests up. It starts with seeing around him the most disparate objects: branches, tools, carcasses of animals that give off a terrible smell of charnel. Also, not to be too bothered, he should burn the paper of Armenia or incense. When
various wells alternate in the cave, he must repeat the same maneuver several times before reaching the bottom. Here, we are often in the presence of a lake. We must get a boat waterproof, the type most practical was designed by American Osgood. This machine is mounted in a moment and check it easily in a wooden box.


walks several hundreds of meters underground does not make safe. Regardless breaks strings or telephone son and landslides associated with the ski runs or by other accidents sometimes lurking in the caves. Thus, Mr. Martel was one day sinking in the river Padirac. The frail boat which carried his two companions capsized. The Explorers took a very cold bath and forced, while the candles were extinguished
- I even then, says Mr. Martel, the instinctive revulsion some people feel the darkness of the caves and enjoyed for a few seconds, the horror of that dark night, absolute, like nothing!
The little band arrived happily get out of this mess (1895).
Similarly, exploration of Gaping Ghyll, in Yorkshire (England), was also very eventful. Mr. Martel was able to descend into the funnel which falls on a stream that just break it in the form of foaming waterfall, 100 meters deep. Having found someone to accompany him in this daring expedition, he decided to accomplish alone. So he threw in the gaping hole, 80 meters wide, 35 meters followed by a double rope, then he settled on his club-seat and go. Although constantly showered with water during the descent, he could touch bottom and discover a huge cave where the liquid column forms a stalactite moving. When he wanted to go back, he took the phone with the other post was held by Ms. Martel, on the edge of the abyss, and the following conversation ensued: "Hello, hello! I connected and I'm going back! Pull Gently ... Hello, do you hear? ... So there is someone up there! Hello! that happens there ? "
But alas, the unit remains silent, the water prevents the microphone to function. Transi by which water trickles copiously, the courageous explorer gathers her strength and shouted loudly:" Pull, pull, but then ! "Finally, his wife and his aides finally hear and, after twenty-eight minutes of a harrowing ascent, he sees the hole well. He is saved!
Another time, in 1903, in the cave Spa Creek Matsesta near Sochi (western Caucasus), it was nearly asphyxiated by hydrogen sulfide during the mission entrusted to him by the tsarist government, the minister's proposal of Agriculture of Russia, Mr. Yermoloff, which he reported in one of his most curious and perhaps the least known: the Russian Riviera. And what about anthrax or poisonous flies to the bottom of the chasms of Vaucluse and the Pyrenees, malaria in those of the Peloponnese and Circassia, etc.. Etc..


explorations of the learned hydrogeologist spread to most of Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and to the United States, he recorded the results in fifteen volumes and more than 500 submissions or journal articles. The first of these works, devoted to the Cevennes, appeared in 1890, eleven editions had not exhausted his success with the public. As the author said:
- I regret not being able to restate my opinion - given the current crisis in the library - this early work with the other books that have published it: the Abyss (1894), the Ireland and the English caves (1897), Spéologie the twentieth century (1905-1906), Underground Evolution (1907), Caves and Groundwater of Belgium (1911), with Van den Broeck and Rahir, and Padirac guide, including a new edition will be published later in 1923.

But we would a very imperfect idea of the work of Mr. Martel if we thought was a simple "cave". Shrewd observer, he was not satisfied with the plans to raise more than a thousand caves of the old and new worlds. He tried to sit on solid ground hydrology. The most important of its achievements in this field is his discovery of the mode of contamination from the abyss and the loss of rivers, false sources of limestone terrains, known today as the resurgence. Using conventional staining experiments fluorescein, scientist caver showed that seepage can carry, from upstream to downstream, the seeds of serious epidemic diseases, including typhoid fever. With the zeal of a true apostle he undertook, in 1891, a campaign to claim the hygienic measures which were necessary as an inescapable social need after all his findings.
He proved that in areas without land filter, ie true sources of oil - the only ones giving all health - the government should closely monitor the catchment and establish a supply perimeter protection against the causes of pollution, or in case of impossibility of application of the above rules, use of purification methods of proven effectiveness. The
Duclaux, the Brouardel the Michel Levy, the León Labbé and other specialists known supported him in this propaganda, which leads to articles of the Law of 15 February 1902 establishing the perimeters of protection, prohibiting the throwing of dead animals and garbage in the depths of rivers or losses. Since then, typhoid fever has decreased by three quarters in France, and typhoid vaccination lowered the percentage still precedent.
Martel summarized his forty years of discovery and condensed hydrogeological research of his predecessors, his followers or his pupils on the same subject in his new salary of groundwater (1921), lectures on the current state of this question of such great practical significance.
Yet blamed the author modestly ahead of not being able to write in a more perfect. He also told us of his opinions would perhaps not be accepted without question, although he applied "to the show its best."
As for us, do not close this book without raising the surprising observation made by Mr. Martel during his trip to the United States (1911). Despite the colossal work of Geologic Survey, Americans have hardly touched until the full scientific study of their huge caverns. Mammoth Cave, geysers of Yellowstone Park and the Grand Canyon of Colorado, learned French hydrogeologist reported observations more accurate than those made before him by several specialists transatlantic!

McCain's temperament does not prevent Mr. Martel OBTAIN MANY AWARDS AND HONORS

few words escaped Mr. Martel, during one of our conversations, will enable us to know now the nature of the private man.
- I did not, he says, time to be ambitious! I digress fierce need for independence of all functions. So, I finally found anywhere in the margins. But I am parked at least in politics, where we tried to train and who would have drowned in obscurity!
Nevertheless, the Academy of Science recognized several times the merits of his work by awarding him the grand prize including physical sciences, in 1907.Mais readers and friends complain that the company does have learned not named in his breast. The brave explorer
exercised, the Moreover, its activity in various fields. Struck by a moment overwork and fatigue, he had to resign from his position as authorized, then his moral energy, enthusiasm and unselfishness enabled him to devote time to more completely to his favorite science. First he explained his views in a free course in geography underground, he professed at the Sorbonne from 1899 to 1905. Then he led the Nature from 1905 to 1918 with his brother, geologist Louis de Launay, and served from 1903 to the Public Health Council.
other hand, responsible for numerous missions by the Department of Agriculture, In particular he could perform the first complete descent of the Grand Canyon of Verdon wonderful (Basses-Alpes), with A. Janet Lecouppey of the Forest, L. Armand, etc.. Since 1910, he began to struggle against the construction of the dam Genissiat. He said this "vandalism" would result from drowning completely in 39 to 69 feet of water, the door and the barrel of the Rhone: it would be "a crime against nature", which will damage one of the most remarkable sites in France and in addition, the book would "not hold"!
ardent patriot, and unable to obtain reinstatement in the army in 1914, Mr. Martel was devoted during war in the service of our wounded, as a nurse volunteer Red Cross. His dedication to the cause of public health has also won in 1922, the gold medal of epidemics, to which he attaches much less price than its rosette of Officer of the Legion of honor!
Despite the coming of age, the learned geographer currently pursuing the development agenda of many new materials, which will probably come out soon a new book. Finally, it remains attached, as an associate of the geological map of France, the rehabilitation of drinking water wells contaminated or destroyed by the Germans in the Marne.

Jacques BOYER

Announcements Death by EA Martel.

Avenue that bears his name in the city of Meyrueis in Lozere.

Monument inaugurated May 29, 1927, erected by public subscription

the Syndicat d'Initiative
J. Mallet, sculptor.
The Rozier
Gorges du Tarn

Edouard-Alfred Martel
(photo coverage Science and Travel , No. 198 of 14 June 1923)

The castle where lived Martel EA.




link to the site on Drill:

Again thank you to the association concerned with Drill and its history.

A +



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