Monday, January 31, 2011

Dbz Bulma's Dream Of Vegeta On Namek

nuclear explosion in space

During the summer 1962 the U.S. sent a hydrogen bomb in space, 375km above the earth's surface, and made it explode.
To understand why this test should be back in 1958 when James Van Allen discovered a belt of particles surrounding the Earth and protects against radiation from the Sun.
The day after this announcement he agreed to help the U.S. military to detonate a bomb near his discovery to see if
1) If the radiation comers of an atomic bomb would make it harder to see what was above ( Russians like missiles).
2) If the explosion will damage nearby objects.
3) If the Van Allen belts and the explosion could return to Earth. (Moscow would have been perfect)
4) If an explosion created by humans could alter the natural shape of the belt. To summarize
a scientist discovers something in space, the day after the military decided to send a nuclear bomb to see if you can destroy it.
In 1962 the plan was executed and a bomb 100 times more powerful than Hiroshima exploded over the Pacific Ocean and was visible from Hawaii to New Zealand. The explosion also created
a mini artificial Van Allen belt.
There were other nuclear explosions in space, the Russians had also made some tests, but the picture above is the only photograph of a nuclear explosion in space that exists.
(Interview on the blog the green box)


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